Consortium on Individual Development

Scientific publications

2023Bolhuis, J.J., Crain, S. & Roberts, I. (2023) Language and learning: the cognitive revolution at 60-odd. Biological Reviews.
2023Witte, A.M., Runze, J., Van IJzendoorn, M.H., & Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.J., (2023). Parent’s secure base script knowledge predicts observed sensitive caregiving and discipline towards twin-children. Journal of Family Psychology.
2023Kevenaar, S., Dolan, C. V., Boomsma, D., & van Bergen, E. (2023). Self-control and grit are associated with school performance mainly because of shared genetic effects.
2023van der Klis, A., Adriaans, F., & Kager, R. (2023). Infants’ behaviours elicit different verbal, nonverbal, and multimodal responses from caregivers during early play. Infant Behavior and Development, 71.
2023Grapsas, S., Becht, A., & Thomaes, S. (2023). Self-focused value profiles relate to climate change skepticism in young adolescents. Journal of Environmental Psychology.
2023Abbondanza, F., Dale, P. S., Wang, C. A., Hayiou‐Thomas, M. E., Toseeb, U., Koomar, T. S., ...van Bergen, E… Boomsma, D.I,… & Paracchini, S. (2023). Language and reading impairments are associated with increased prevalence of non‐right‐handedness. Child Development.
2023Geambașu, A., Spit, S., van Renswoude, D., Blom, E., Fikkert, P. J., Hunnius, S., Junge, C. ... & Levelt, C. C. (2023). Robustness of the rule‐learning effect in 7‐month‐old infants: A close, multicenter replication of Marcus et al.(1999). Developmental Science, 26(1), e13244.
2022Buimer, E.E.L., Brouwer, R.M., Mandl, R.C., Pas, P., Schnack, H.G., & Hulshoff Pol, H.E. (2022). Adverse childhood experiences and fronto-subcortical structures in the developing brain. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13. doi:
2022SMC de Zwarte, J Teeuw, J He, MN Bekker, RJG van Sloun, HE Hulshoff Pol. (2022) Automated segmentation of fetal intracranial volume in 3D ultrasound using deep learning: identifying sex differences in prenatal brain development. bioRxiv doi:
2022Bellon, E., van Bergen, E., & Dowker, A. D. (2022). Is Parental Mathematics Anxiety Associated with Young Children’s Arithmetical Performance?. Education Sciences, 12(11), 812.
2022Abbondanza, F., Dale, P., Wang, C.A., Hayiou-Thomas, M.E., Toseeb, U., Koomar, T.S., Wigg, K.G., Feng, Y., Price, K.M., Kerr, E.N., Guger, S.L., Lovett, M.W., Strug, L.J., van Bergen, E., Dolan, C.V., Tomblin, J.B., Moll, K., Schulte-Körne, G., Neuhoff, N., Warnke, A., Fisher, S., Barr, C.L., Michaelson, J.J., Boomsma, D.I., Snowling, M.J., Hulme, C., Whitehouse, A., Pennell, C.E., Newbury, D., Stein, J.F., Talcott, J.B., Bishop, D. & Paracchini S. (2022). Non-right handedness is associated with language and reading impairments. Preprint from PsyArXiv
2022Tamimy, Z., van Bergen, E., van der Zee, M.D., Dolan, C.V. & Nivard, M.G. (2022). Multi Co-Moment Structural Equation Models: Discovering Direction of Causality in the Presence of Confounding. Preprint from OSF.IO, no DOI
de Wit, M.M., Begeer, S., Nivard, M.G. & van Bergen, E. (2022). No effects of siblings and twin testosterone transfer on autistic traits. JCCP Advances,
2022Haarklau Kleppestø, T., Eilertsen, E.M., van Bergen, E., Sunde, H.F., Zietsch, B.P., Nordmo, M., Eftedal, N.H., Havdahl, A., Ystrom, E. & Torvik F.A. (2022). Intergenerational transmission of ADHD behaviors: More evidence for heritability than life history theory. Preprint from PsyArXiv,
2022Demange, P.A., Hottenga, J.J., Abdellaoui, A., Moen Eilertsen, E., Malanchini, M., Domingue, B.W., Armstrong-Carter, E., de Zeeuw, E.L., Rimfeld, K., Boomsma, D.I., van Bergen, E., Breen, G., Nivard, M.G. & Cheesman, R. (2022). Estimating effects of parents’ cognitive and non-cognitive skills on offspring education using polygenic scores. Nature Communications,
2022Eising, E., Mirza-Schreiber, N., de Zeeuw, E.L., Wang, C.A., Truong, D.T., Hottenga, J.J., Boomsma, D.I., van Bergen, E., Whitehouse, A.J.O., Willcutt, E.G., St Pourcain, B., Francks, C., Fisher, S.E. & many others (2022). Genome-wide analyses of individual differences in quantitatively assessed reading- and language-related skills in up to 34,000 people. PNAS,
2022Bellon, E., van Bergen, E. & Derore Dowker, A. (2022). Is Parental Mathematics Anxiety Associated with Young Children’s Arithmetical Performance? Education Sciences,
2022Bruins, S., van Bergen, E., Masselink, M., Barzeva, S.A., Hartman, C.A., Otten, R., Rommelse, N.N.J., Dolan, C.V. & Boomsma, D.I. (2022). Are genetic and environmental risk factors for psychopathology amplified in children with below-average intelligence? A population-based twin study. Preprint from PsyArXiv,
2022Katharina H. Menn, Emma K. Ward, Ricarda Braukmann, Carlijn van den Boomen, Jan Buitelaar, Sabine Hunnius, Tineke M. Snijders; Neural Tracking in Infancy Predicts Language Development in Children With and Without Family History of Autism. Neurobiology of Language 2022; 3 (3): 495–514. doi:
2022Portengen, B. L., Naber, M., Jansen, D., Van den Boomen,C., Imhof, S. M., & Porro, G. L. (2022). Maintaining fixation by childrenin a virtual reality version of pupil perimetry. Journal of EyeMovement Research, 15(3):2.DOI: 10.16910/jemr.15.3.2
2022Belteki Z, van den Boomen C and Junge C (2022) Face-to-face contact during infancy: How the development of gaze to faces feeds into infants’ vocabulary outcomes. Front. Psychol. 13:997186. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.997186
2022Surian D, van den Boomen C (2022) Theage bias in labeling facial expressions in children:Effects of intensity and expression. PLoS ONE17(12): e0278483.
2022Bruins, S., van Bergen, E., Masselink, M., Barzeva, S. A., Hartman, C., Otten, R., Rommelse, N. N. J., Dolan, C. V. & Boomsma, D. (2022). Are genetic and environmental risk factors for psychopathology amplified in children with below-average intelligence? A population-based twin study. PsyArXiv.
2022Belteki, Z., Lumbreras, R., Fico, K., Haman, E., & Junge, C. (2022). The vocabulary of infants with an elevated likelihood and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of infant language studies using the cdi and msel. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1469.
2022Belteki, Z., van den Boomen, C., & Junge, C. (2022). Face-to-face contact during infancy: How the development of gaze to faces feeds into infants' vocabulary outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
2022Van Rooijen, R., Ward, E. K., De Jonge, M., Kemner, C., & Junge, C. (2022). Two-year-olds at elevated risk for ASD can learn novel words from their parents. Journal of Child Language, 49(5), 1052-1063.
2022Mulder, J. D. (2022). Power Analysis for the Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model Using the powRICLPM R-Package. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. doi: 10.1080/10705511.2022.2122467.
2022de Roo, M., Veenstra, R., & Kretschmer, T. (2022). Internalizing and externalizing correlates of parental overprotection as measured by the EMBU: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Social Development, 31(4), 962–983.
2022Siebers, T., Beyens, I., Pouwels, J., & Valkenburg, P. M. (2022). Explaining variation in adolescents' social media-related distraction: The role of social connectivity and disconnectivity factors. Current Psychology.
2022Runze, J., Pappa, I., Van IJzendoorn, & M.H., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.J. (2022). Conduct Problems and Hair Cortisol Concentrations Decrease in School-Aged Children after VIPP-SD: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Two Twin Cohorts. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19, 15026.
2022Runze, J., Marten, F., & te Brinke, L., (2022). The effect of exposure to social-media coverage of the Russo-Ukrainian war on stress symptoms in Dutch adolescents (Pre-print)
2022Hagenbeek FA, van Dongen J, Pool R, Roetman PJ, Harms AC, Hottenga JJ, Kluft C, Colins OF, van Beijsterveldt CEM, Fanos V, Ehli EA, Hankemeier T, Vermeiren RRJM, Bartels M, Déjean S, Boomsma DI. Integrative Multi-omics Analysis of Childhood Aggressive Behavior. Behav Genet. 2022 Nov 7.
doi: 10.1007/s10519-022-10126-7.
2022Neumann A, Nolte IM, Pappa I, Ahluwalia TS, Pettersson E, Rodriguez A, ... & Tiemeier, H. A genome-wide association study of total child psychiatric problems scores. PLoS One. 2022 Aug 22;17(8):e0273116.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0273116
2022Wiertsema, M., Vrijen, C., van der Ploeg, R., & Kretschmer, T. (2022). Intergenerational Transmission of Peer Aggression. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.
2022Wiertsema, M., Vrijen, C., van der Ploeg, R., Sentse, M., & Kretschmer, T. (2022). Bullying perpetration and social status in the peer group: A meta-analysis. Journal of Adolescence.
2022Hagenbeek FA, Hubers N, van Dongen J, Pool R, Roetman PJ, Harms AC, Hottenga JJ, Hankemeier T, Vermeiren RRJM, Bartels M, Déjean S, Boomsma DI. (2022). Integrative multi-omics approaches to childhood aggression and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 63:e4.
2022Heck, D. W., Boehm, U., Böing-Messing, F., Bürkner, P.-C., Derks, K., Dienes, Z., Fu, Q., Gu, X., Karimova, D., Kiers, H. A. L., Klugkist, I., Kuiper, R. M., Lee, M. D., Leenders, R., Leplaa, H. J., Linde, M., Ly, A., Meijerink-Bosman, M., Moerbeek, M., ... & Hoijtink, H. (2022). A review of applications of the Bayes factor in psychological research. Psychological Methods. Advance online publication.
2022Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, M, van de Schoot, R., and Hoijtink, H. (2022). Testing ANOVA replications by means of the prior predictive p-value. Meta Psychology, 6.
2022De Moor, E. L., Nelemans, S. A., Becht, A. I., Meeus, W., & Branje, S. (in press). Personality development across adolescence and young adulthood: The role of life transitions and self-concept clarity. European Journal of Personality
2022Fakkel, M., Peeters, M., Branje, S., Stevens, G. W. J. M., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2022). Decline in future orientations among Dutch adolescents during covid-19: The role of socioeconomic status, parental support, and sense of control. Journal of Adolescence
2022Branje, S. (2022). Adolescent Identity Development in Context. Current Opinion in Psychology, 45, 101286.
2022Joosten, D. H. J., Nelemans, S. A., Meeus, W., & Branje, S. (2022). Longitudinal Associations Between Depressive Symptoms and Quality of Romantic Relationships in Late Adolescence Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51(3), 509-523.
doi: 10.1007/s10964-021-01511-2.
2022Keskin, G. & Branje, S. (2022). Longitudinal Relations between Maternal and Adolescent Emotion Dysregulation and Maternal Autonomy Support. Journal of Adolescence, 94(6), 811-828.
2022Tollenaar, M.S. Pittner, K. Buisman, R.S.M. Knipping, K. Garssen, J. Nimphy, C.A. van den Berg, L.J.M. Bolijn, J.E. Alink, L.R.A. Elzinga, B.M. Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.J. & van IJzendoorn, M.H. (2022). Salivary immune markers are not associated with self-reported childhood maltreatment or psychopathology in adults. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 144, 105867,
2022Sinisalo, H., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., & Peltola, M. J. (2022). Hormonal and behavioral responses to an infant simulator in women with and without children. Developmental Psychobiology, 64, e22321.
2022Runze, J., IJzendoorn, M. H. V., Vrijhof, C. I. & Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J. (2022). Replicating a randomized trial with video-feedback to promote positive parenting in parents of school-aged twins. Journal of Family Psychology, 36 (4), 490-501.
2022Bosmans, G., Van Vlierberghe, L., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.J. et al. (2022). A learning theory approach to attachment theory: exploring clinical applications. Clinical Child and Family Psychological Review.
2022Spencer, H., Parianen-Lesemann, F. H. P., Kraaijenvanger, E. J., Overbeek, G. J., Branje, S., Boks, M. P., & Bos, P. A. (2022). Oxytocin System Gene Methylation is Associated with Empathic Responses towards Children. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 137, 105629.
2022Marchi, M., Elkrief, L., Alkema, A., van Gastel, W., Schubart, C., van Eijk, K., Luykx, J., Branje, S., Mastrotheodoros, S., Galeazzi, G., van Os, J., Cecil, C., Conrod, P., & Boks, M. (2022). Childhood maltreatment mediates the effect of the genetic background on psychosis risk in young adults. Translational Psychiatry
2022Doornweerd, A. M., Branje, S., Nelemans, S. A., Meeus, W., Montoya, E. R., Engelhard, I. M., Baas, J. M.P., & Gerritsen, L. (2022). Stable anxiety and depression trajectories in late adolescence for oral contraceptive users. Frontiers in Psychiatry, section Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
2022Blankenstein, N. E., de Rooij, M., van Ginkel, J., Wilderjans, T. F., de Ruigh, E. L., Oldenhof, H. C., Zijlmans, J., Jambroes, T., Platje, E., de Vries-Bouw, M., Branje, S., Meeus, W. H. J., Vermeiren, R., Popma, A., Jansen, L. M. C. (2022). Neurobiological correlates of antisocial behavior across adolescence and young adulthood: A multi-sample, multi-method study. Psychological Medicine doi: 10.1017/S0033291721003457.
2022Schulz, S., Nelemans, S.A., Hadiwijaya, H., Klimstra, T. A., Crocetti, E., Branje, S., & Meeus, W. (2022). The future is present in the past: A Meta-Analysis on the longitudinal associations of parent-adolescent relationships with peer and romantic relationships. Child Development.
2022Nelemans, S., Mastrotheodoros, S., Ciftci, L., Meeus, W., & Branje, S. (2022). Do You See What I See? Longitudinal Associations Between Mothers’ and Adolescents’ Perceptions of Their Relationship and Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. 10.1007/s10802-022-00975-5
2022Mastrotheodoros, S., Van der Graaff, J., Papp, L., Dekovic, M., Meeus, W., & Branje, S. (2022). Explaining Heterogeneity of Daily Conflict Spillover in the Family: The Role of Dyadic Marital Conflict Patterns. Family Process, 61(1),342-360. DOI: 10.1111/famp.12648
2022Dobbelaar, S., Achterberg, M., van Drunen, L., van Duijvenvoorde, A.C.K., van IJzendoorn, M.H., & Crone, E.A. (2022). Development of social feedback processing and responses in childhood: an fMRI test-replication design in two age cohorts. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, nsac039. DOI + link:
2022Hofstee, M., van der Velde, B., Huijding, J., Endendijk, J, Kemner, C., Deković, M. (2022). The direct and indirect effects of parenting behaviors and functional brain network efficiency on self-regulation from infancy to early childhood: A longitudinal mediation model. Infant Behavior and Development.
2022Hofstee, M., Huijding, J., Cuevas, K., & Deković, M. (2022). Self‐regulation and frontal EEG alpha activity during infancy and early childhood: A multilevel meta‐analysis. Developmental Science.
2022Runze, J., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M.J., Cecile, C., Van IJzendoorn
M.H., & Pappa, E., (2022). Polygenetics of parenting: Replicating and extending the polygenic nature of observed maternal sensitive responsiveness. [Under review]. Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
2022van Driel, I. I., Giachanou, A., Pouwels, J., Boeschoten, L., Beyens, I., & Valkenburg, P. M. Promises and pitfalls of Instagram data donations.
2022Valkenburg, P. M., Beyens, I., Meier, A., & Vanden Abeele, M. M. P.
Advancing our understanding of the associations between social media use and well-being.
2022Verbeij, T., Pouwels, J., Beyens, I., & Valkenburg, P. M.
Self-reported measures of social media use show high predictive validity.
2022Beyens, I., Keijsers, L. Coyne, S. (2022) Social media, parenting and wellbeing. Curr Opin Psychol, 47, 101350.
2022Alrouh, H., Van Bergen, E., De Zeeuw, E., Dolan, C., & Boomsma, D. I. (2022). Intergenerational transmission of body mass index and associations with educational attainment. BMC public health, 22(1), 1-11.
2022Demange, P. A., Hottenga, J. J., Abdellaoui, A., Eilertsen, E. M., Malanchini, M., Domingue, B. W., ... & Cheesman, R. (2022). Estimating effects of parents’ cognitive and non-cognitive skills on offspring education using polygenic scores. Nature communications, 13(1), 1-14.
2022Eising, E., Mirza-Schreiber, N., de Zeeuw, E. L., Wang, C. A., Truong, D. T., Allegrini, A. G., ... & Fisher, S. E. (2022). Genome-wide analyses of individual differences in quantitatively assessed reading-and language-related skills in up to 34,000 people. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(35), e2202764119.
2022Hessels, R. S., Benjamins, J. S., Niehorster, D. C., van Doorn, A. J., Koenderink, J. J., Holleman, G. A., ... & Hooge, I. T. (2022). Eye contact avoidance in crowds: A large wearable eye-tracking study. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 1-18. 10.3758/s13414-022-02541-z
2022Schmengler H, Peeters M, Stevens GWJM, Kunst AE, Delaruelle K, Dierckens M, Charrier L, Weinberg D, Oldehinkel AJ, Vollebergh WAM. (2022) Socioeconomic inequalities in adolescent health behaviours across 32 different countries - The role of country-level social mobility. Soc Sci Med. 2022 Oct;310:115289. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.115289. Epub 2022 Aug 14. PMID: 35994878.
2022Jami ES, Hammerschlag AR, Ip HF [...] Hagenbeek FA, Boomsma DI, Hartman CA, Oldehinkel AJ [...] , et al. Genome-wide Association Meta-analysis of Childhood and Adolescent Internalizing Symptoms. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2022 Jul;61(7):934-945. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2021.11.035. Epub 2022 Apr 1. PMID: 35378236.
2022Hagenbeek FA, van Dongen J, Pool R, Harms AC, Roetman PJ, Fanos V, van Keulen BJ, Walker BR, Karu N, Hulshoff Pol HE, Rotteveel J, Finken MJJ, Vermeiren RRJM, Kluft C, Bartels M, Hankemeier T, Boomsma DI. Heritability of Urinary Amines, Organic Acids, and Steroid Hormones in Children. (2022) Metabolites. 2022; 12(6):474.
2022Hartman CA, Richards JS, Vrijen C, Oldehinkel AJ, Oerlemans AM, Kretschmer T. Cohort profile update: The Tracking Adolescents’ Individual Lives Survey – The Next Generation (TRAILS NEXT). Int J Epidemiol 2022; dyac 066. DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyac066
2022Kim Y, Richards JS, Oldehinkel AJ. Self-control, mental health problems, and family functioning from adolescence to young adulthood: effects of between-person differences and within-person changes. J Youth Adolesc 2022; 1181-1195. DOI: 10.1007/s10964-021-01564-3
2022Richards JS, Hartman CA, Ormel J, Oldehinkel AJ. Continuity of psychopathology throughout adolescence and young adulthood. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol [Epub]. DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2022.2042695
2022The future is present in the past: A meta-analysis on the longitudinal associations of parent–adolescent relationships with peer and romantic relationships.
2022Valkenburg, P. M. (2022). Social media use and well-being: What we know and what we need to know. Current Opinion in Psychology, 45.    
2022Valkenburg, P.M., Beyens, I., Pouwels, J.L., van Driel, I.I., & Keijsers, L. (2022). Social media browsing and adolescent well-being: Challenging the “Passive Social Media Use Hypothesis”. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 27(1). 
2022Valkenburg, P. M., Meier, A., & Beyens, I. (2022). Social media use and its impact on adolescent mental health: An umbrella review of the evidence. Current Opinion in Psychology, 44, 58-68. 
2022Schmengler, H., Peeters, M., Kunst, A. E., Oldehinkel, A. J., & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2022). Educational level and alcohol use in adolescence and early adulthood—The role of social causation and health-related selection—The TRAILS Study. PLoS ONE, 17(1), e0261606.
2022Van IJzendoorn, M., Schuengel, C., Wang, Q., & Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. (2022). Improving parenting, child attachment, and externalizing behaviors: Meta-analysis of the first 25 randomized controlled trials on the effects of Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline. Development and Psychopathology, 1-16. doi:10.1017/S0954579421001462
2022Runze, J., Van IJzendoorn, M. H., Vrijhof, C. I., & Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J. (2022). Replicating a randomized trial with video-feedback to promote positive parenting in parents of school-aged twins. Journal of Family Psychology.
2022Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, M., Dobbelaar, S., van der Meulen, M. & Achterberg, M. (in press). Longitudinal associations between prosocial behavior and behavioral problems across childhood: A robust random-intercept cross-lagged panel model. Developmental Psychology.
2022Achterberg, M., Becht, A., van der Cruijsen, R., van de Groep, I. H., Spaans, J., Klapwijk, E., & Crone, E. (in press) . Longitudinal associations between social media use, mental well-being and structural brain development across adolescence, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience,
2022Hatano, K., Luyckx, K., Hihara, S., Sugimura, K., & Becht, A. I. (2022). Daily Identity Processes and Emotions in Young Adulthood: a Five-Day Daily-Diary Method. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.
2022Achterberg, M., Becht, A.I., van der Cruijsen, R., van de Groep, I. H., Spaans, J. P., Klapwijk, E., & Crone, E. A. (2022). Longitudinal associations between social media use, mental well-being and structural brain development across adolescence. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 54, 1-17. [101088].
2022Hartman CA, Richards JS, Vrijen C, Oldehinkel AJ, Oerlemans AM, Kretschmer T. Cohort profile update: The Tracking Adolescents’ Individual Lives Survey – The Next Generation (TRAILS NEXT). Int J Epidemiol 2022. Doi: 10.1093/ije/dyac066.
2022Kim Y, Richards JS, Oldehinkel AJ. Self-control, mental health problems, and family functioning from adolescence to young adulthood: effects of between-person differences and within-person changes. J Youth Adolesc 2022. Doi: 10.1007/s10964-021-01564-3.
2022Richards JS, Hartman CA, Ormel J, Oldehinkel AJ. Stability and change of psychopathology throughout adolescence and young adulthood. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol 2022. Doi: 10.1080/15374416.2022.2042695.
2022Barzeva SA, Richard JS, Veenstra R, Meeus WHJ, Oldehinkel AJ. Quality over quantity: A transactional model of social withdrawal and friendship development in late adolescence. Soc Dev 2022; 31(1):126-46. Doi: 10.1111/sode.12530.
2021Veldkamp, S.A.M., Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, M.A.J., van Bergen, E., Barzeva, S.A., Tamayo-Martinez, N., Becht, A.I., van Beijsterveldt, C.E.M., Meeus, W., Branje, S., Hillegers, M.H.J., Oldehinkel, A.J., Hoijtink, H.J.A., Boomsma, D.I., Hartman, C. (2021). Parental Age in Relation to Offspring’s Neurodevelopment. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology,
2021van Bergen, E., Hart, S.A., Latvala, A., Vuoksimaa, E., Tolvanen, A. & Torppa, M. (2021). Literacy skills seem to fuel literacy enjoyment, rather than vice versa. Developmental Science,
2021Alting van Geausau, V., Mulder, J. D., & Matthijssen, S. (2021). Predicting Outcome in an Intensive Outpatient PTSD Treatment Program Using Daily Measures. Journal of Clinical Medicine. doi: 10.3390/jcm10184152.
2021Junge, C., Boumeester, M., Mills, D. L., Paul, M., & Cosper, S. H. (2021). Development of the N400 for word learning in the first 2 years of life: a systematic review. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 2420.
2021Achterberg, M., Dobbelaar, S., Boer, O. D., & Crone, E. (2021). Perceived stress as mediator for longitudinal effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on wellbeing of parents and children. Scientific Reports.
2021Becht, A. I., Nelemans, S. A., Branje, S. J. T., Vollebergh, W. A. M., & Meeus, W. (2021). Daily Identity Dynamics in Adolescence Shaping Identity in Emerging Adulthood: An 11-Year Longitudinal Study on Continuity in Development. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.
2021Beyens, I., Pouwels, J.L., van Driel, I.I., Keijsers, L., & Valkenburg, P.M. (2021). Social media use and adolescents’ well-being: Developing a typology of person-specific effect patterns. Communication Research.
2021Bonapersona, V., Hoijtink, H., Sarabdjitsingh, R.A., & Joëls, M. (2021). Increasing the statistical power of animal experiments with historical control data. Nature Neuroscience, 24(4), 470-477.
2021Buimer, E.E.L., Schnack, H.G., Caspi, Y, van Haren, N.E.M., Milchenko, M., Pas, P., Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Hulshoff Pol, H.E., Brouwer, R.M. (2021). De-identification procedures for magnetic resonance images and the impact on structural brain measures at different ages. Human Brain Mapping, 42(11), 3643-3655.
2021Daucourt, M.C., Haughbrook, R., van Bergen, E., & Hart, S.A. (2021). The association of parent-reported executive functioning, reading, and math is explained by nature, not nurture. Developmental Psychology.
2021De Kloe, Y.J.R., Hooge, I. T. C., Kemner, C., Niehorster, D.C., Nyström, M., & Hessels, R.S. (2021). Replacing eye trackers in ongoing studies: A comparison of eye‐tracking data quality AQ1 between the Tobii Pro TX300 and the Tobii Pro Spectrum. Infancy.
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