Knowledge utilisation activities
Title | Medium | When | Target audience | CID researcher(s) | |
'Mensch Papa: Die Wissenschaft vom Vatersein' | ARTE documentary | 2023 (February 4th) | General public | Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg | |
'De Nacht Van… De Twitterende Wetenschapper: hersenonderzoeker Elizabeth Buimer' | NPO radio 1 - De nacht van… | 2022 (July 14th) | General public | Elizabeth Buimer | |
rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">'Tijdgeest: Van ondergeschoven kindje naar voorgetrokken snotneus' | ANS magazine | 2023 (January 10th) | Students | Susan Branje | |
De Morgen: 'Bestaat er echt zoiets als de seven-year itch? ‘We onderschatten hoe erg mensen veranderen’ | De Morgen newspaper | 2023 (February 16th) | General public | Catrin Finkenauer | |
Volkskrant: 'Hoe maak je contact als je kind continu naar een scherm tuurt' | Volkskrant newspaper | 2023 (January 10th) | General public | Regina van den Eijnden | |
Committee membership | Committee for reorganisation of the University Museum | ongoing | n/a | Carlijn van den Boomen | |
Information booth at conference to promote availability of YOUth data | Flux 2022 in Paris | 2022 (September 7th - 9th) | Flux visitors | Coosje Veldkamp | |
'Altijd al willen weten wat er in een babyhoofdje speelt? Universiteit geeft bijzonder inkijkje' | AD newspaper interview | 2022 (September 3rd) | General public, AD readership | Chantal Kemner | |
'Opveren na de Coronacrisis' | E-zine | 2022 (September 19th) | Policy makers, teachers, youth workers, parents and anyone interested in the well-being of youth | Eveline Crone, Lina van Drunen, Simone Dobbelaar, Michelle Achterberg | |
'Humberto' | NPO Radio 1, Humberto Tan interview | 2022 (September 16th) | General public, Radio 1 listeners | Chantal Kemner | |
NRC Podcast - Onbehaarde Apen - Het mysterie van de tweelingzwangerschap | NRC podcast interview | 2022 (October) | General public, podcast listeners | Dorret Boomsma | |
NPO radio 1 - Smaakmakers - Lara Wierenga en Dirma Janse over het boek 'Atlas van ons brein' | NPO radio 1 - Spraakmakers | 2022 (October 6th) | General public, Radio 1 listeners | Lara Wierenga | |
NRC: NRC-redacteur Laura Wismans kreeg een tweeling en ging op zoek naar de genetica daarachter | Volkskrant newspaper interview | 2022 (October 21st) | General public, Volkskrant readership | Dorret Boomsma | |
NPO radio 1 - De nacht van… - Een psychologisch label heeft invloed op je leven | NPO radio 1 - De nacht van… | 2022 (October 13th) | General public, Radio 1 listeners | Dienke Bos | |
Nederlands Dagblad - Ook ISIS-kinderen in Nederland hebben recht op opvoeding door hun eigen moeder | Nederlands Dagblad opinion article | 2022 (November 9th) | General public, Nederlands Dagblad readership | Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg, Rien van IJzendoorn | |
Boektopia - Lara Wierenga en Dirma Janse - De Atlas van Ons Brein | Boektopia podcast interview | 2022 (November 4th) | General public | Lara Wierenga | |
Volkskrant: Het succes van TikTok gaat gepaard met deze hardnekkige hoofdpijndossiers | Volkskrant newspaper interview | 2022 (November 1st) | General public, Volkskrant readership | Ine Beyens, Teun Siebers | |
'Babybrein maakt enorme groeispurt door tussen 5 en 10 maanden, blijkt uit onderzoek' | AD newspaper interview | 2022 (March 26th) | General public, AD readership | Bauke van der Velde | |
Interdisciplinarity Beyond the Buzzword: a guide based on interviews with academics, lecturers and funders | Guidebook | 2022 (March 21st) | Researchers | Elsje van Bergen | |
JongGeleerd Podcast, aflevering 3: Labels bij kinderen met autisme of AD(H)D - houvast of stempel? | JongGeleerd Podcast, De UU podcast voor jeugdprofessionals | 2022 (March 18th) | Profossionals working with youths, general public | Dienke Bos | |
Interview op NOS Journaal over de financiering van de wetenschap en het effect op jonge onderzoekers | Interview for NOS, Dutch national news | 2022 (June 17th) | General public | Lara Wierenga | |
Invited talk at Vrije University Amsterdam Data Conversations | Talk | 2022 (June 16th) | Early career researchers | Jana Runze | |
Science Cafe Nijmegen: Identiteit - Wie ben ik? | Presentations for Science cafe Nijmegen | 2022 (June 15th) | General public | Andrik Becht, Susan Branje | |
'Onderzoek wijst uit: overal ter wereld wordt 'mammiaans' gesproken' | RTL Nieuws / EditieNL website interview | 2022 (July 23rd) | General public, RTL Nieuws website visitors | Anika van der Klis | |
'Onderzoek wijst uit: overal ter wereld wordt 'mammiaans' gesproken' | Interview for EditieNL | 2022 (July 23rd) | General public, EditieNL viewership, RTL Nieuws readership | Anika van der Klis | |
Het belang van opvoeding in de eerste levensjaren | Blog NurtureGoods website | 2022 (July 21th) | General public | Marissa Hofstee | |
@NL_Wetenschap Twitter weekly take-over | Twitter account take-over | 2022 (July 11th-15th) | General public | Elizabeth Buimer | |
'Het babybrein klaargestoomd voor de maatschappij' | Interview for YOUth website | 2022 (January 14th) | YOUth website visitors | Bauke van der Velde | |
Radio Weetlust - Aflevering 36: DOPPELGANGER | Radio Weetlust | 2022 (Febuary 5th) | General public, Leiden citizens | Dorret Boomsma | |
Leiden Psychology Podcast, episode 5: Prosocial behaviour @ social exclusion in children | Leiden Psychology Podcast | 2022 (February 1st) | General public | Mara van der Meulen | |
JongGeleerd podcast, aflevering 2: Genderneutraal opgroeien of toch niet? | JongGeleerd Podcast, De UU podcast voor jeugdprofessionals | 2022 (February 11th) | Profossionals working with youths, general public | Joyce Endendijk | | Leven als een jonge oma: dit houdt de 'grandma era'-trend op TikTok in | interview | 2022 (December 3rd) | General public, visitors | Patti Valkenburg | |
'Dit gaat er om in het hoofd van een baby (en dat is veel meer dan lang werd gedacht)' | Volkskrant newspaper interview | 2022 (August 7th) | General public, Volkskrant readership | Chantal Kemner | |
'Belangrijkste lessen uit onderzoek naar mentale gezondheid Nederlandse jeugd in coronatijd' | UU website article | 2022 (August 23rd) | General public | Dienke Bos | |
'Lowlands ook groot succes voor onderzoek Universiteit Utrecht; meer dan duizend bezoekers voor Kleurenkruis' | DUIC website interview | 2022 (August 22nd) | General public, DUIC readership, Utrecht residents | Dienke Bos | |
'Een babystemmetje opzetten en wild gebaren helpen je kind leren communiceren' | website interview | 2022 (August 13th) | General public, visitors | Anika van der Klis | |
In controle: Vroege voorspellers en ontwikkeling van zelfregulatie. | De Psycholoog. | 2022 (April) | General public | Sanne Geeraerts | |
BNR Radio - Wetenschap Vandaag podcast: Genen gelinkt aan veranderingen in hersenstructuur | Radio interview for BNR | 2022 (April 6th) | General public | Hilleke Hulshoff Pol, Rachel Brouwer | |
JongGeleerd Podcast, aflevering 4: Gezond gamegedrag aanleren | JongGeleerd Podcast, De UU podcast voor jeugdprofessionals | 2022 (April 28th) | Profossionals working with youths, general public | Margot Peeters | |
Een kind is nooit als enige verantwoordelijk voor zijn agressieve gedrag | EOS Wetenschap | 2022 (April 26th) | General public with an interest in (popular) science/psychology | Fiona Hagenbeek | |
'Zo ga je als ouders het gesprek aan met je tiener over vaccineren' | (Linda Magazine) | 2021 (September 9th) | Linda readership, general public | Susan Branje | |
Q&A video about language development for YOUth participants' parents | YOUth website | 2021 (September 7th) | YOUth participants' parents and caregivers | Anika van der Klis, Caroline Junge | |
Interview about bullying and substance use on EditieNL for the Week against Bullying | Dutch news programme EditieNL (RTL) | 2021 (September 29th) | General public, RTL viewers | Charlotte Vrijen | |
Replacing eye trackers in longitudinal studies | Video | 2021 (October 25th) | Scientists | Yentl de Kloe | |
Breingeheimen van het Samen Uniek tweelingonderzoek | Video for Weekend van de Wetenschap | 2021 (October 1st) | Children, general public | Karlijn Hermans, Sjoerd Dobbinga, Michelle Achterberg, Lara Wierenga, Lina van Drunen, Simone Dobbelaar, Jana Runze | |
Hersenontwikkeling en sociaal gedrag in de kinderopvang | Lecture for the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment | 2021 (October 12th) | Civil servants | Michelle Achterberg | |
'Dogmatic modes of science' | Perception scientific journal | 2021 (November 1st) | Researchers | Roy Hessels, Ignace Hooge | |
Does your DNA make you popular? | Video from 'De Universiteit van Nederland' | 2021 (May 8th) | General public | Tina Kretschmer | |
Slimme Gasten 2021: Slimme Gast Marissa over het gedrag van kinderen | Video for Wetenschapsknooppunt Utrecht | 2021 (May 6th) | Local primary school children, children admitted to hospital | Marissa Hofstee | |
Slimme Gasten 2021: What is it like to be a neuroscientist? | Video for Wetenschapsknooppunt Utrecht | 2021 (May 6th) | Local primary school children, children admitted to hospital | Elizabeth Buimer | |
De coronageneratie: verloren of veerkrachtig? | Interview for Studium Generale, Utrecht University | 2021 (May 20th) | Students | Michelle Achterberg | |
Terug in de scanner: hersenwetenschap in coronatijd | Interview for Leiden University | 2021 (May 16th) | General public | Lina van Drunen. Simone Dobbelaar | |
Video ADHD & Autism | Video made as part of The Brain Awareness Week | 2021 (March 6th) | Children | Dienke Bos | |
Child abuse and neglect: new evidence they can cause mental health problems | Blog on The Conversation | 2021 (March 17th) | General public | Marinus van IJzendoorn | |
Infographic 'First results of the COVID-19 study in YOUth' | Infographic for YOUth website | 2021 (March 12th) | General public | Elizabeth Buimer | |
Video on brain development of children with parents with a mental disorder | Video for Brain Awareness Week 2021 | 2021 (March 11th) | General public | Nikita Setiaman | |
Video about L-CID collecting MRI data in the COVID-19 lockdown | Video | 2021 (June) | All involved with Samen Uniek | Lina van Drunen, Simone Dobbelaar | |
'Liever autonomie geven dan zaken overnemen' | Interview for a special issue journal about debt and youth by Schouders Eronder | 2021 (July) | Debt assistence professionals | Michelle Achterberg | |
Het corona-effect - De eerste cijfers uit de jeugdhulpverlening | Article for Jong magazine | 2021 (July 15th) | Local youth care professionals | Michelle Achterberg | |
Youth and the corona crisis: from vulnerability to opportunities | E-Magazine | 2021 (January) | General public, scientists, policy makers | Erasmus SYNC Lab | |
Het sociale leven van kinderen en jongeren: Populariteit, buitensluiting & prosociaal gedrag | Lecture for Sue BV | 2021 (January) | General public | Mara van der Meulen | |
Het meerlingpuberbrein | Lecture for the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ouders van Meerlingen | 2021 (January) | Parents of multiple birth children | Mara van der Meulen | |
Radio interview about primary school children and lockdowns | Student radio interview | 2021 (January 15th) | Students | Elizabeth Buimer | |
De invloed van frequente aanduiding van maximumsnelheid boven de weg op het gedrag van de weggebruiker: literatuuronderzoek. | Systematic review for Rijkswaterstaat, Dutch Ministry for Infrastructure and Water Management | 2021 (January 14th) | Civil servants | Janssen, C.P., Donker, S.F., Hessels, R.S., Hooge, I.T.C., Kenemans, J.L., Van der Stigchel, S. | |
Video Brain and MRI | Video on YOUth study website | 2021 (January 12th) | Children | Elizabeth Buimer, Pascal Pas | |
Collecting MRI data during COVID-19: A crash course in flexibility | Blog on website Erasmus SYNC Lab | 2021 (January 12th) | Scientists | Simone Dobbelaar | |
Testing sampling bias in estimates of adolescent social competence & behavioural control | Spoken Word | 2021 (February 27th) | General public | Ties Fakkel | |
Pestkop op school? Dan vaker drank- en drugsgebruik, blijkt uit dit onderzoek van de RUG | Dutch regional newspaper Dagblad van het Noorden | 2021 (February 23th) | General public, regional newspaper readers | Charlotte Vrijen | |
Newspaper article based on CID study: ’Pestkop grijpt eerder naar drank en drugs’ | Dutch national newspaper Telegraaf | 2021 (February 23th) | General public, Telegraaf readers | Charlotte Vrijen | |
'Should children each have their own room in the house?' | Interview for UU website | 2021 (December 7th) | UU staff | Susan Branje | |
'Hoe vaak kijk jij even snel op je telefoon?' | Interview for YOUth website | 2021 (December 17th) | YOUth website visitors | Pascal Pas | |
Puberende hersenen op school | Interview for Belle magazine by Huis van Belle | 2021 (August) | Christian teenagers | Michelle Achterberg | |
Zo stimuleer je zelfregulatie bij kinderen | Interview for Psychologie Magazine | 2021 (August) | Psychologie Magazine readers | Sanne Geeraerts | |
Waarom impulsief en 'dom' gedrag bij jongeren juist nuttig is volgens deze wetenschapper | Interview for regional newspaper AD Gouda | 2021 (August 17th) | Gouda residents | Michelle Achterberg | |
Gelukkig ben je als mens nooit echt af. | Dutch national newspaper NRC | 2021 (April 21st) | General public, NRC readers | Andrik Becht | |
Schuldhulp: oog voor het jongerenbrein | Public lecture for Zorgverzekeringslijn | 2021 (April 14th) | Debt assistence professionals | Michelle Achterberg | |
The sweet taste of revenge | Article for Leiden Psychology Blog | 2020 (September) | General public | Simone Dobbelaar | |
Sharks, Ritalin, and a Female Lust Pill: Jeroen Mulder talks statistics in the Makkelijk Praten Podcast | Podcast | 2020 (October) | General public | Jeroen Mulder | |
Radio interview about COVID results | Interview for local Leiden radio station Sleutelstad FM | 2020 (October 7th) | Leiden residents | Michelle Achterberg | |
Presentation: positive and negative effects of stress on the brain and body | Talk on effects of stress on mind and body for Proberen lukt altijd at Tivoli Vredenburg | 2020 (October 7th) | General public | Valeria Bonapersona | |
radio programme Science071 about the stress of children and parents in the COVID-19 lockdown. | Radio programme Science071 | 2020 (October 7th) | General public | Michelle Achterberg | |
Event: ''Proberen Lukt Altijd: Een avond over perfectiestress'' | Event at Tivoli Vredenburg | 2020 (October 7th) | General public | Valeria Bonapersona | |
Lockdownstress lijkt mee te vallen, maar raakt kwetsbare gezinnen harder | Article for Leiden University | 2020 (October 5th) | General public | Michelle Achterberg | |
Identity as a predictor of problem behaviour | Interview on forum: 'Blik op Hulp' (in Dutch) | 2020 (October 13th) | General Public | Andrik Becht | |
Expert meeting on personal data (task group 'Storage and availability of data for research') | Expert meeting for The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences | 2020 (November 26th) | Government | Roy Hessels | |
Predicting the colors of our emotions | Blog on website Erasmus SYNC Lab | 2020 (November 16th) | Scientists | Lina van Drunen | |
Predicting the colors of our emotions | Blog post for Erasmus SYNC Lab | 2020 (November 16th) | General public | Lina van Drunen | |
Interview about infant calibration methods | Interview for Tobii Pro | 2020 (May 19th) | Scientists | Roy Hessels | |
TV recordings for a Dutch Television Program 'Knappe Koppen' | NPO2 | 2020 (March 4th) | General public | Andrik Becht | |
Jeugdonderzoeker Anika van der Klis over haar onderzoek naar taalontwikkeling bij YOUth | Interview YOUth study website | 2020 (June 17th) | General public | Anika van der Klis | |
A Good Night's Sleep: Necessary for Young Minds | Paper for Children about the dynamics of sleep | 2020 (June 17th) | Children | Elize Koopman-Verhoeff | |
Podcast about Neuroimaging | The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health | 2020 (July 3rd) | Scientific community | Dienke Bos | |
Dat de hersenen van jongens achterlopen is een neuromythe | Article on Science Guide | 2020 (January 22nd) | General public | Lara Wierenga | |
Jeugdonderzoeker Marissa Hofstee over haar onderzoek naar zelfregulatie bij YOUth | Interview on the YOUth Cohort Study website | 2020 (February 17th) | Participants of the YOUth Cohort Study | Marissa Hofstee | |
EEG-metingen bij baby's en peuters: hoe zorg je voor waardevolle data? | Interview YOUth study website | 2020 (August 26th) | General public | Bauke van der Velde | |
Article about the positive sides of social media | Article in newspaper 'Het Parool' | 2020 (August 22nd) | General public | Ine Beyens | |
Interview about analysis of child behaviour | Interview for Noldus Information Technology | 2020 (August 21st) | Scientists | Roy Hessels | |
Bonding with baby: what it should feel like and how long it may take | Blog at | 2020 (April 1st) | Scientific community | Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg | |
The social brain in middle childhood | Video blog for Leiden University - Psychology department | 2020 (April 15th) | General public | Mara van der Meulen | |
Does socioeconomic status affect the influence of genetic differences on educational achievement? | Blog on NPJ Science | 2019 (September 5th) | Researchers and others interested in the role of genetic and environmental factors on educational inequality. | Eveline de Zeeuw | |
Do the children of older parents have more behavior problems? | Interdisciplinary (research, policy, practice) blog BOLD- Blog On Learning and Development | 2019 (September 5th) | General public interested in how children and young people develop and learn. | Mariëlle Zondervan-Zwijnenburg | |
Zijn er meisjes en jongens hersenen? | Role model festival organised by Landelijk expertisebureay meisjes/vrouwen en beta/techniek | 2019 (September 20th) | General public | Lara Wierenga | |
Study: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Different Forms of Bullying Perpetration, Bullying Victimization, and Their Co-occurrence | Press release VU Amsterdam Genes affect bullying behaviour | 2019 (September 10th) | General public and science journalists (ie picked up by Dutch radio, newspaper and television) | Sabine Veldkamp & Elsje van Bergen | |
Hoe ontwikkelen je hersenen zich? | Activity at the science weekend at Utrecht university | 2019 (October 6th) | General public | Matthijs Vink | |
Sociale media en het brein van jongeren | General assembly of members Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen (NIP) | 2019 (October 4th) | Dutch professionals (youth psychologists) | Michelle Achterberg | |
Participated in the scientific panel of the 'Hemd van je lijf show' at the NEMO museum (exhibition Humania) | Nemo Museum | 2019 (November) | Children | Andrik Becht | |
Jeugdonderzoeker Yentl de Kloe over haar werk als onderzoeker én als onderzoeksassistent bij YOUth | Interview YOUth study website | 2019 (November 28th) | YOUth participants and visitors YOUth website | Yentl de Kloe | |
Leidse touch in nieuwe tentoonstelling Humania in Nemo | Questionnaire in exhibit in Nemo | 2019 (November 21st) | General public | Andrik Becht | |
Er is geen getal te hangen aan schermtijd | Dutch newspaper Parool | 2019 (May 5th) | General public | Patti Valkenburg | |
omicsR2 | Freely available statistical software R package | 2019 (May 29th) | Researchers who want to estimate the genome-wide variance explained by the methylome | Alexander Neumann | |
MaBapp (The behavioral phenotype of early life adversity: a 3-level meta-analysis of rodent studies) | Freely available statistical software | 2019 (May 20th) | Researchers who want to perform meta-analysis and/or power calculation on this topic | Valeria Bonapersona | |
Mag ik klikken over wat ik las in haar groepsapp? | Dutch national newspaper NRC | 2019 (May 15th) | General public | Patti Valkenburg | |
Sharing our scientific knowledge of coping strategies with movie-going families | Family lecture Smart Movies initiative of the University Museum Utrecht | 2019 (May 10th) | Movie-going families | Susanne Schulz, Sanne Geeraerts | |
Brein in de groei | Booklet for Biomaatschappij | 2019 (March 26th) | General public | Eveline Crone (chapter 'Hersenscans bij ADHD en autisme' by Dienke Bos, Sarah Durston) | |
Jongensbrein is niet anders dan een meisjesbrein | Dutch national newspaper NRC | 2019 (March 1st) | General public | Lara Wierenga | |
Jeugdonderzoeker Ties Fakkel vertelt waarom we zoveel mogelijk verschillende kinderen willen onderzoeken | Interview YOUth study website | 2019 (March 19th) | YOUth participants and visitors YOUth website | Ties Fakkel | |
Hoeveel schermtijd is gezond? | Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant | 2019 (March 12th) | General public | Patti Valkenburg | |
Digitale en sociale vaardigheden | Magazine WIJS | 2019 (June 5th) | General public | Patti Valkenburg | |
Jeugdonderzoeker Elizabeth Buimer over MRI-onderzoek bij YOUth | Interview YOUth study website | 2019 (June 14th) | YOUth participants and YOUth website visitors | Elizabeth Buimer | |
Study: Children born to older parents tend to have fewer behavior problems | Press release Utrecht University and VU Amsterdam | 2019 (July 31st) | General public and science journalists (ie picked up by Dailymail, AD and RTL nieuws) | Mariëlle Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, Dorret Boomsma, Tineke Oldehinkel, Herbert Hoijtink | |
Waarom is hersenonderzoek bij kinderen van belang? | Interview YOUth study website | 2019 (July 10th) | YOUth participants and visitors YOUth website | Matthijs Vink | |
Kijkgedrag van baby's voorspeller voor zelfregulatie bij peuters | Dutch press release Utrecht University | 2019 (January 8th) | General public | Sanne Geeraerts | |
MaDEapp (Effects of early life stress on biochemical indicators of the dopaminergic system: a meta-analysis of rodent studies) | Freely available statistical software | 2019 (January 24th) | Researchers who want to perform meta-analysis and/or power calculation on this topic | Valeria Bonapersona | |
Conflicten binnen gezinnen zijn niet per definitie een slechte zaak | Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant | 2019 (January 22nd) | General public | Susan Branje | |
Uitgebreide uitleg van het tweelingonderzoek Samen Uniek | Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ouders van meerlingen | 2019 (January 20th) | Dutch parents of twins or multiplets | Saskia Euser | |
Understanding (and ultimately predicting) individual differences in brain development and child behavior | health RI | 2019 (January 17th) | 300 professionals, researchers, IT-specialists, and representatives of patients, industry and policy | Chantal Kemner | |
Interview about data storage | Interview for National Platform Open Science (NPOS) via RDM Utrecht University | 2019 (January 15th) | Scientists | Roy Hessels | |
Nestplakkers: 'Studentenhuizen vind ik walgelijk en ze zijn nog duur ook' | Dutch online newspaper | 2019 (January 13th) | General public | Susan Branje | |
Waarom maken broers en zussen zo vaak ruzie? | Dutch online newspaper | 2019 (January 12th) | General public | Susan Branje | |
Posten, Scrollen, Appen en Snappen in the media | Press release on the website Project Awesome | 2019 (December 3rd) | General Public | Irene van Driel, Ine Beyens, Patti Valkenburg | |
Wat spoken ze toch uit op die schermen? Hoe sociale media en smartphones de opvoeding hebben veranderd | Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant | 2019 (August 30th) | General public | Susan Branje | |
Zo ouder, zo kind? | Activity afternoon programme Universiteit van Noorderzon | 2019 (August 17th) | Children attending performing arts festival Groningen | Jennifer Klop- Richards, Anoek Sluiter-Oerlemans | |
Klopt dit wel? | Activity afternoon programme Universiteit van Noorderzon | 2019 (August 17th) | Children attending performing arts festival Groningen | Tina Kretschmer, Charlotte Vrijen | |
Gamen niet ten koste van sociale vaardigheden? | Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant | 2019 (April 24th) | General public | Patti Valkenburg | |
YOUth-onderzoeker Gijs Holleman over het kijkgedrag van kinderen | Interview YOUth study website | 2019 (April 16th) | YOUth participants and YOUth website visitors | Gijs Holleman | |
Face-it! (experiment) | Dutch science festival Betweterfestival 2018: EXTREMEN | 2018 (September 21st) | General public | Gijs Holleman, Roy Hessels | |
Mag ik als straf de mobiel van mijn puber afpakken? | Dutch national newspaper NRC | 2018 (September 21st) | General public | Patti Valkenburg, Wim Meeus | |
Kun je emoties zien in je hersenen?! | Tv item for Topdoks | 2018 (October 13th) | Dutch children | Mara van der Meulen, Michelle Achterberg | |
Puberprofessor: Het zijn niet alleen maar lamlendige bankhangers | Dutch national newspaper AD | 2018 (November 9th) | General public | Eveline Crone | |
Moeders liefdesleven bepaalt dat van haar kinderen. Klopt dit wel? | Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant | 2018 (November 20th) | General public | Susan Branje | |
Krijgt kleinkind zonder krant genoeg ontwikkeling? | Dutch national newspaper NRC | 2018 (November 15th) | General public | Patti Valkenburg | |
Functionele uitkomsten van psychische stoornissen bij kinderen en adolescenten | Article Kind en Adolescent | 2018 (May 23rd) | Dutch child and youth professionals | Anoek Sluiter - Oerlemans | |
Special interests hinder self-control in children with autism | News article Spectrum | 2018 (May 18th) | Researchers and others interested in news and advances in autism research | Dienke Bos | |
Family matters: essentials for child development | Key note conference UK charity: What about the children | 2018 (March 8th) | Campaigners and people concerned about children's emotional well being | Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg | |
Chantal Kemner doet mee aan Meet the Professor: 'Kinderen stellen originelere vragen dan onderzoekers' | Utrecht University Meet the professor | 2018 (March 28th) | School children (Dutch group 8) | Chantal Kemner | |
Waarom worden jonge mensen depressief? | Public lecture and , two related newsitems Medical Public Academy UMCG | 2018 (March 27th) | General public | Tineke Oldehinkel | |
Meehelpen aan een antwoord op onze onderzoeksvraag tijdens Summerschool Junior | Contribution Utrecht University Summer school junior | 2018 (July 31st) | Children participating Utrecht University Summer school junior | Matthijs Vink | |
Data management is very important for longitudinal research | University Utrecht data management | 2018 (July 18th) | Part of online data management training for researchers | Chantal Kemner | |
Jongeren en hun psychische gezondheid and English Young People and Their Mental Health | Massive online open course (MOOC) | 2018 (January 15th) | General public, tailored to adolescents' needs and communication styles | Tineke Oldehinkel | |
MRI-onderzoek van de hersenontwikkeling rond de geboorte | Press release Utrecht University | 2018 (Febuary 13th) | General public and science journalists (ie picked up by Vroeg for professionals) | Chantal Kemner | |
'Possibilities for prevention and intervention' and 'The burden of bad beginnings' | Two key notes Bridging the gap conference: Clinical Application of Attachment Theory and Research Salt Lake City | 2018 (February 8th) | American clinicians or care professionals | Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg | |
Jeugdonderzoeker Pascal Pas over MRI-onderzoek bij kinderen | Interview YOUth study website | 2018 (April 23rd) | YOUth participants and visitors YOUth website | Pascal Pas | |
Carlijn ontdekt... Een kijkje in de wereld van een kinderonderzoeker | Blog series on YOUth study website | 2017, 2018 | YOUth participants and visitors YOUth website | Carlijn van den Boomen | |
Dankzij Spinoza: Eveline Crone en Piek Vossen | Interview Dutch television | 2017 (September 22nd) | General public, Dutch national television viewers | Eveline Crone | |
Science cafe Utrecht: Stress | Studium generale Utrecht | 2017 (September 18th) | General public | Angela Sarabdjitsingh | |
Hechten met hindernissen: de rol van opvoeding en genetica | In-service training Euregionaal Congresbureau | 2017 (October) | Professionals who encounter attachment issues | Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg | |
Is tbh, Facebook's new teen app, as healthy as its founders claim? | Tech magazine WIRED | 2017 (October 23rd) | General public | Patti Valkenburg | |
Lekker laat uitchecken bij hotel mama | Dutch national newspaper NRC | 2017 (November 27th) | General public | Wim Meeus | |
Chantal Kemner in groep 8: 'Doei, lieve professor!' | Utrecht University Meet the professor | 2017 (March 30th) | School children (Dutch group 8) | Chantal Kemner | |
Papa speelt mee | Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant Magazine | 2017 (March 18th) | General public, Volkskrant readers | Bakermans-Kranenburg M.I. | |
Het jonge brein kan nog alle kanten op | Dutch national newspaper Trouw | 2017 (March 18th) | General public | Chantal Kemner | |
Parent intervention - the Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD) | Research seminar Child and Adolescent Psychiatry clinic Roskilde Denmark | 2017 (March 17th) | Danish mental health care professionals | Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg | |
Zit angst voor rekensommen in de genen? | Interview Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant | 2017 (March 14th) | General public, Volkskrant readers | Eveline de Zeeuw, Elsje van Bergen | |
Plugged In: How Media Attract and Affect Youth | Book (ISBN: 9780300218879) | 2017 (June) | General public | Patti Valkenburg | |
Promotie: Innovatieve methoden om kijkgedrag tijdens vroege ontwikkeling van autisme te onderzoeken | Dutch press release Utrecht University | 2017 (June 13th) | General public and science journalists (ie picked up by two Dutch national media newspaper AD and tv show EditieNL for general public) | Roy Hessels | |
Carlijn ontdekt: naar school in de vakantie | Contribution Utrecht University Summer school junior | 2017 (July) | Children participating Utrecht University Summer school junior | Carlijn van den Boomen, Matthijs Vink | |
Twin tots reveal autism traits arise mostly from genes | News article Spectrum | 2017 (July 6th) | Researchers and others interested in news and advances in autism research | Eveline de Zeeuw, Dorret Boomsma | |
Pubers zijn geen jonge volwassenen. We moeten daar echt anders over gaan denken | Interview Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant | 2017 (July 22nd) | General public, Volkskrant readers | Eveline Crone | |
Research Shows Possible Link Between ADHD and Low Educational Achievement | Blog on Open Forest | 2017 (July 12th) | General public | Eveline de Zeeuw | |
Communiceren zonder te Praten | Educational material series by Utrecht Wetenschapsknooppunt | 2017 (February) | School going children (group 5-8) | Rianne van Rooijen, Nicolette Munster | |
Hoe leren baby's hun moedertaal | Public lecture | 2017 (February 6th) | Parents of YOUth participants | Caroline Junge | |
Online lectures pilot at University College Utrecht | Press release Utrecht University | 2017 (December 6th) | Students and lecturers at Utrecht University interested in digitization | Matthijs Vink | |
'Waarom steeds meer studenten voor hotel mama kiezen' | Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant | 2017 (August 1st) | General public | Wim Meeus | |
De beeldschermgeneratie: kinderen bewegen minder maar zijn intelligenter | Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant | 2017 (April 8th) | General public | Chantal Kemner, Patti Valkenburg | |
Changing Technology, Changing Childhood | Blog Yale University Press | 2017 (April 24th) | General public | Patti Valkenburg | |
Ontwikkeling van het puberbrein: invloed van genen en omgeving | University Day 2017: Bright minds, better future | 2017 (April 1st) | Alumni Utrecht University | Hilleke Hulshoff Pol | |
Inleiding in de gezinspedagogiek | Foreword | 2016 (September) | Higher education of students and professionals | Maja Dekovic | |
Een klas vol onderzoekers | School talk and activities initiated by Utrecht Wetenschapsknooppunt | 2016 (October 5th) | School children | Carlijn van den Boomen, Nicolette Munster, Rianne van Rooijen | |
Onderzoekend leren over zien | Educational material series by Utrecht Wetenschapsknooppunt | 2016 (November) | School children (group 5-8) | Carlijn van den Boomen | |
Neurobiologische aspecten van ouderschap | Scientific conference Vereniging voor Kinder- en Jeugdpsychotherapie | 2016 (November 4th) | Child and adolescent psychotherapy professionals | Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg | |
Tweelingonderzoek: Van gen naar gedrag | Public lecture Studium Generale Groningen | 2016 (November 1st) | General public | Dorret Boomsma | |
Het eerste toeval | Lecture KNAW symposium 'Uitgedaagd door het toeval' | 2016 (May 20th) | General public | Dorret Boomsma | |
Hoe gelijk zijn kinderen van eeneiige tweelingen? | Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant | 2016 (March 28th) | General public, Volkskrant readers | Dorret Boomsma | |
Multi-generational transmission | Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement | 2016 (June 17th) | Crime and law enforcement researchers | Dorret Boomsma | |
Hoe reageer jij op films? | Data collection Science Live programme of Nemo Science Museum, also featured in Dutch media Het Parool, Radio BNR, and AT5 | 2016 (July, August) | Visiting children, >200 7-15 year old children and (one of) their parents participated | Karin Fikkers | |
Braintime festival | Festival marking five years Braintime research | 2016 (January 29th) | Research participants | Eveline Crone | |
Kwetsbaarheid & Veerkracht | Symposium De Amsterdamse School | 2016 (January 22nd) | Dutch mental health care professionals and carers | Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg | |
Familiair en erfelijkheidsonderzoek naar dyslexie | Book chapter | 2016 (February 5th) | Professionals dyslexia diagnosis and treatment | Elsje van Bergen | |
YOUth tijdens de zwangerschap | Interview YOUth study website | 2016 (December 22nd) | YOUth participants and YOUth website visitors | Marieke Albers | |
Attachment en het dragen van baby's | In-service training Vereniging van draagdoekconsulenten | 2016 (April 2nd) | Baby sling consultants | Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg | |
Kindercollege: Krijgen vogels zangles? | Presentation in Universiteits Museum Utrecht | 2016 (April 10th) | Children age 7-12 | Carien Mol | |
Het laatste nieuws over twee- en meerlingonderzoek | Nederlandse Vereniging voor Ouders van meerlingen | 2015, 2016 | Dutch parents of twins or multiplets | Dorret Boomsma | |
Stress en voordelen | Interview Dutch popular science magazine Quest | 2015 (October) | General public, Quest readers | Marian Joëls | |
Culturele zondag 'Alles kids' | Public lecture and live science project | 2015 (October 18th) | General public | Chantal Kemner | |
Taal definieert ons mens zijn | Interview online Radio Rene | 2015 (November) | General public, Radio Rene listeners | Johan Bolhuis | |
Werkstress bij jongeren | Presentation at Workshop of Ministry of Social Affairs | 2015 (November) | Ministry of Social Affairs | Marian Joëls | |
Terrorisme is jeugdprobleem | Dutch national newspaper Volkskrant | 2015 (November 24th) | General public | Wim Meeus | |
Hoe wordt baby's brein sociaal? | Public lecture for National Science agenda KHMW | 2015 (November 23rd) | General public | Chantal Kemner | |
De neurologische invalshoek | "Vroegsignalering bij baby's" annual in-service training Euregionaal Congresbureau | 2015 (November 12th) | Professionals working with babies and parents | Chantal Kemner | |
Vijf vragen: Vaders willen wél spelen met baby's | Interview Dutch national newspaper Trouw | 2015 (May 9th) | General public, Trouw readers | Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg | |
Interview about TRAILS study | Interview in magazine Kind & Adolescent Praktijk | 2015 (June) | Professionals working with children and adolescents | Tineke Oldehinkel | |
Ontwikkeling van jonge cannabisgebruikers vergeleken met leeftijdsgenoten: Een Bayesiaans avontuur | Article in magazine Kind & StatOR | 2015 (July) | Statisticians and other professionals interested in statistics | Mariëlle Zondervan-Zwijnenburg | |
Jeugdcriminologie. Achtergronden van jeugdcriminaliteit | Book chapter (ISBN 978-94-623-656-67) | 2015 (January) | Higher education of students and professionals | Maja Dekovic | |
Member of the Accreditation Committee for Behavioral Interventions | Help develop and implement a high quality program to prevent/reduce recidivism | 2015 (from 2009) | Ministry of Security and Justice | Maja Dekovic | |
Schermgaande jeugd | Book (ISBN: 978 90 351 4268 8) | 2015 (December) | General public | Patti Valkenburg | |
Stress is goed, met mate | Interview Dutch magazine Flow Magazine | 2015 (August) | General public, Flow Magazine readers | Marian Joëls | |
Stress-reactiviteit? Een uitnodiging om bestaande ideeën over stress en depressie te herzien. | Contribution to the Studiedag Vlaamse Klinisch Psychologen, Leuven | 2014 (October) | Professional clinical psychologists | Tineke Oldehinkel | |
Universiteit Utrecht en UMC gaan 6000 kinderen jarenlang volgen | Dutch regional news site De Utrechtse Internet Courant (DUIC) | 2014 (October 16th) | General public | Chantal Kemner | |
Attachment organization in disordered environments | Jack Tizard memorial lecture and national conference ACAMH | 2014 (June 13th) | British child and adolescent mental health professionals and researchers | Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg | |
Family Matters | British parliament | 2014 (June 11th) | British parliament | Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg | |
Van baby tot big bang en terug | Cirque de la science Festival De Beschaving | 2014 (July 5th) | General public | Chantal Kemner | |
Handboek klinische ontwikkelingspsychologie | Book chapter | 2014 (August) | Higher education of students and professionals | Maja Dekovic | |
Science cafe Utrecht: In hoeverre onze identiteit wordt gevormd als we nog een baby zijn | Studium generale Utrecht and Dutch national NPO3 Hoe?zo! radio | 2013 (October 28th) | General public | Chantal Kemner | |
Temple Grandin: Autist tussen de dieren | Dutch national science tv show VPRO Labyrint | 2013 (October 27th) | General public, Dutch public television viewers | Chantal Kemner | |
Birdsong, speech and language | Interview Dutch Radio 1 | 2013 (May) | General public, Radio 1 listeners | Johan Bolhuis | |
Birdsong, speech and language | Interview Dutch tv talk show Pauw & Witteman | 2013 (May 23rd) | General public, Pauw & Witteman viewers | Johan Bolhuis | |
Leerboek psychiatrie kinderen en adolescenten | Book chapter (ISBN 978-90-589-8231-5) | 2013 (August) | Higher education of students and professionals | Maja Dekovic | |
Public talk about gene-environment interplay on child development | Amsterdam Young Academy, Spui25 | 2022 | General public | Elsje van Bergen | |
Lecture | Stichting Lezen | 2022 | General public | Elsje van Bergen | |
‘Reading for pleasure: is it in your genes?’ | Interview in TES Magazine | 2022 | General public | Elsje van Bergen | |
Twincast - Dorret Boomsma en Nikki Hubers over het ontstaan van tweelingen | Twincast podcast | 2022 | General public, twins, podcast listeners | Dorret Boomsma | |
Webinar for educational professionals on motivation and skills | Wetenschapsknooppunt Amsterdam (Science Hub Amsterdam) | 2021 | General public | Elsje van Bergen | |
Data organising software tool for indendent out-of-core data arrays | Data tool | 2021 | Scientists | Gabriel Beckers | |
A Python computer vision library for animal behavior | Data tool | 2021 | Scientists | Gabriel Beckers | |
Kennisrotonde contribution | Kennisrotonde, NRO | 2021 | Education professionals | Marissa Hofstee | |
Het jongerenbrein in coronacrisis: van kwetsbaarheden naar kansen | Article for SYNC e-magazine, Erasmus University | 2021 | General public | Michelle Achterberg, Simone Dobbelaar | |
Puberbrein in ontwikkeling | Public lecture for KVLO Leiden | 2021 | Physical Education professionals | Michelle Achterberg | |
Educational level offspring partly determined by genes that are not passed on by parents | Article on website Verus | 2020 | Parents and teachers | Eveline de Zeeuw, Dorret Boomsma, Elsje van Bergen | |
Advice on road safety from a neurodevelopmental angle | Article on website VVN | 2020 | General public | Michelle Achterberg | |
Webapp to facilitate researchers to perform power calculations and statistical analysis in a user friendly way (for animal experiments) | Webapp | 2020 | Researchers | Valeria Bonapersona | |
Interview on the resemblance of adopted-apart sisters | Dutch news programme EditieNL (RTL) | 2020 | General public, RTL viewers | Elsje van Bergen | |
Ongoing publishing on the official Twitter account for the National Twin Register | Twitter account @NTRscience | 2020 | General public | Elsje van Bergen | |
Interviews with students about twin research and behavioral genetics | Interviews with students | 2020 | Students | Sofieke Kevenaar | |
Committee membership | Committee for organisation of Profielwerkstukwedstrijd of Utrecht University | 2019 | n/a | Carlijn van den Boomen | |
Achievement: genes versus environment | Article in Didactief | 2019 | Educational audience | Eveline de Zeeuw | |
Replication: Test Replications by Means of the Prior Predictive p-Value | Freely available statistical software | 2019 | Researchers using R for statistical analyses | Mariëlle Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, Herbert Herbert, Rens van de Schoot | |
Twinfo on the children of twins: Kinderen van Tweelingen, een bijzondere en waardevolle groep | Nederlands Tweelingen Register website | 2019 | General public | Zenab Tamimy | |
ANOVAreplication: Test ANOVA Replication by Means of the Prior Predictive p-Value | Freely available statistical software | 2018 | Researchers using R for statistical analyses | Mariëlle Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, Herbert Herbert, Rens van de Schoot | |
Tweelingen op school: Samen of apart | Factsheet | 2017 | Teachers, distributed to all primary schools in the Netherlands | Eveline de Zeeuw | |
Complexity: Calculate the Proportion of Permutations in Line with an Informative Hypothesis | Freely available statistical software | 2017 | Researchers using R for advanced statistical modeling | Mariëlle Zondervan-Zwijnenburg | |
Interventies voor jongeren met antisociaal gedrag | Book chapter | 2016 | Higher education of students and professionals in law and social sciences | Maja Dekovic | |
Beeldvorming van het Brein, Imaging voor Psychiaters en Psychologen Imaging of the Brain) | Book (ISBN 978-90-589-8262-9) | 2015 | Professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists) with a brain imaging interest | Hilleke Hulshoff Pol (with book chapters by Dorret Boomsma and Chantal Kemner) | |
Intieme relaties en seksualiteit | Book chapter | 2015 | Higher education of students and professionals | Maja Dekovic | |
Psychologie van de adolescentie | Book chapter (ISBN 978-90-061-0561-2) | 2013 | Higher education of students and professionals | Maja Dekovic | |
Het Zebra-project onderzoekt: is Autisme zichtbaar in baby’s' | Engagement met autisme | General public | Carlijn van den Boomen |